Here is a formula to help you increase your revenue, add additional sponsors, and help boost your subscribers.  It is so simple – it is brilliant!

Let’s get started

First, have a professional ad created for a sponsor.  This should not be a royalty free piece of music with you talking over it.  It should be more like a commercial you would hear on the radio with professional voiceover, music, and sound effects.  Along with providing information promoting your sponsor, try to include humor or entertainment to make the ad engaging.  Listen to the radio for ideas.  

The secret sauce

Next, include a “tag” at the end of the ad with “your” information.  For example, if you had a podcast called the “Home Repair Podcast” and you had a sponsor called Bob’s Plumbing, your tag could be.. ”Bob’s Plumbing is a proud sponsor of the Home Repair Podcast, found on Apple, Buzz sprout and YouTube.” Now you take this ad to Bob’s Plumbing and tell them you are playing it on your podcast to promote their plumbing service and you are giving them a copy so that they can use for their own marketing (web site, social media, etc).  The sponsor will not only be floored that you had a professional ad created for them but that you are giving them “extra value” by making it also for their use.

The hook

So, now if Bob’s Plumbing uses this ad for everywhere they market – YOUR podcast will be promoted to new audiences that you would not have normally reached, because you added a tag line mentioning your podcast and where to find it.

The gift that keeps on giving

The good news does not end here.  Now you go after a new sponsor.  Let’s say you approach a company called “Jim’s AC Repair”.  You play them the ad you did for Bob’s Plumbing and say if they become a sponsor, you will do the same for them and provide it for their use.  This is great value to hook in new sponsors.

Rinse and repeat

Now your podcast will be promoted to Jim’s AC Repair’s audience and subscribers.  Again, audiences you would not have reached before.  You can continue this strategy by adding more sponsors, which will increase your revenue while adding to your subscribers.  


This strategy is a win – win for everyone.  Your sponsors are receiving high quality marketing ads while you are getting additional sponsors and subscribers.  Everyone will be happy.  Give it a shot.  At Podcast Production Music, we can provide professional sponsor ads that will be a hit with your listeners as well as your sponsors.  Let us show you how easy it is to get started.

Podcast Production Music is a proud member of the Florida Podcasters Association, the National Podcast Association and the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.